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3. Moderation

In the righthand column, below the box showing your name (or login), there is an adminstration box. In this box are the links to the submissions left to moderate. If there are no submissions, this box is left empty.

Click on a link to moderate this submission. A form will appear:

Below lies an input form, containing the body of the submission. You may edit it as you please.

Below this input form are some lines to enter links to more information. The first field is the name of the link, as it will appear in the news, and the second field the web address, which must begin with http://. At the end of the line, there's a little pulldown menu: "Language". Don't forget to set it to the language of the link. If you forget this step, the link will not appear on the news.

Then you can choose what to do with the news. You have two fields on this line: "action" ("ok" by default) and a checkbox "View", plus a "send" button. If action is "ok", the news will be published, in this case, if "view" is checked, it will be published on front page, if not, only on section page. By selecting "wait" action, you will let the opportunity for others moderators to moderate it. If you choose delete, well, you delete the news as you could guess...)

You can preview the news right at the bottom of the page.

All the changes and decisions you made will be made when you click on the "send" button

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