PuTTY Known Bugs and Wish List

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This is the list of bugs that need fixing, and features that want adding, to PuTTY. This list represents things that have not been done to the current development code. If you do not see a feature here, it's worth checking the Changes page before mailing us to ask for the feature; we might have already added it since the last release.


These items are clearly actual problems and I want them fixed.


These are things which might be bugs or might not, depending on your precise definition of what a bug is.

Plausible feature wish list

This list contains features I hope to get round to adding at some stage.

Implausible feature wish list

These are features I will probably never get round to adding myself. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing them written, but if it happens somebody else will have to do it, because they're big and complicated and I wouldn't use them enough myself to justify spending all that effort.

Non-wish list

These are features I am actively opposed to seeing in PuTTY. Don't bother writing them and sending them to me! If you think you have a good argument why they would be good, feel free to plead for them, but generally I'll already have a good reason not to do them.

Comments to putty@projects.tartarus.org
(last modified on Wed, 03 Apr 2002, 20:20:49 GMT)